Why use AnyMirror to stream?

Easy to get

Supercharge your streaming

Leverage your

Easy to get started

Nicer hardware helps, but consumes more money. Start your first live streaming with just a phone, computer, and Internet connection.

Easy to get started
  • Nothing to purchase

    No need to make a budget on buying a capture card, camera, or microphone. Your cell phone is enough.

  • Add a whole new dimension

    Phone cameras and webcams can form a multi-camera live streaming. Show different perspectives to your audience.

  • Stream to YouTube

    Show your fans what’s on your screen only, or both you and the screen. Real-time stream it directly to YouTube with stunning quality.

Supercharge your streaming

Supercharge your streaming

Multiple things help you power your streaming shows. Stand out with creative live shows!

  • An all-in-one streaming tool

    It allows you to integrate multiple sources into AnyMirror, to avoid a mess on your screen without opening various apps.

  • Stream flexibly

    You can add or pop out a separate window from the main interface. Stream either the main interface or the separate window as you like.

  • Multiple scenarios

    Share the process of creating, gaming, and so on. Show off your skills of painting in ProCreate, or playing League of Legends: Wild Rift.

  • Personalize your streaming

    Presenting yourself and streaming content on the same screen makes your audience feel more authentic.

Leverage your recordings as you like

Leverage your recordings as you like

You can record while streaming, or record your show in advance, and then upload it to YouTube. Save highlights of your most hyped moments. Re-use them any way you want.

Common types of live streaming

AnyMirror is suitable for tutorial streaming, game streaming, education streaming, and church streaming.

Get AnyMirror Now

Start streaming as many devices with various content as you want! Get a more effective and attractive mirroring experience for any case you’re in.

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